This is not the first time he has said DA DA. And before all you naysayer start spewing, ask Cooper as he is my witness. Nicole even admitted that "he says DA DA all the time" she then tried to discredit Brody by saying "but not on purpose." I disagree because when I walk in his room he sees me and says DA DA. Nicole just doesn't realize that when he says DA DA to her, he's saying "hey mom, where's dad?" Case closed chumps.
Next item.....Nicole had an affair. She won't say who it was with and I found out because we got pulled over by a cop and he said, "Didn't I pull you over yesterday?" Of course I asked her what the cop was talking about and caught her lying about where she had been. After a while she admitted she was having an affair. So I asked, "Didn't you tell him you were married?" and she, nonchalantly with a shrug of her shoulders, said "no." I then asked her who it was she was having an affair with and she wouldn't say. I was so mad that I woke up from my dream! In the morning, Nicole got peppered with questions, but she, of course, nonchalantly said "no"....hmmm, just like in the dream. But she has apologized for having an affair in my dream and we've decided to try and work things out and stay together for the children's sake. Nicole says my dream is payback for the regular dreams she has of us being back in our dating/broken-up phase and me still being non-committal.