I decided to make a guest blog entry since Scott has apparently thrown in the towel on keeping up the family blog. He was all gung-ho for a while, but I knew it wouldn't last. :-)
Okay then. Let's do a Christmas recap.

Highlights of the
Most Wonderful Time of the Year:
- Always entertaining, fun-filled and amusing White Elephant party with friendlies at Peteys cabin.
- Doing several nights of "true spirit of Christmas" activities, such as going to a live Nativity put on by a stake in the Sugarhouse area (complete with a live camel and sheep, Roman guards and, of course, Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus).
- Cheesy Christmas Sweater Hen Party (or GNO).

- Cooper's sheer excitement for Christmas (and us being able to threaten calling Santa to keep him in line when needed).
- Madre renting a cabin outside of McCall, Idaho, for whole family to celebrate Christmas together.
- Spending Christmas Eve making homemade ornaments, complete with popcorn & cranberry garland, and decorating the freshly cut, scrawny tree.
- Spending a truly snow-filled Christmas holiday at a cabin.
- Snow tubing outing at lift-served tubing park in McCall.
- Playing several hours of Bananagrams (New game we gave Scott for Christmas--think speed scrabble. Do not think of banana hammocks.)

Lowlights of the holiday madness:
- Staying up until 12:30 am Dec. 22 to pack and wrap all presents so we could be all set to wake up, load the car and head out for Christmas-ing on Dec. 23.
- Waking up Dec. 23 with the flu.
- Deciding at 5:00 pm to suck up being sick at still drive to Twin Falls so we wouldn't have to make the whole drive to McCall on Christmas Eve.
- Packing up all of Christmas.

- Having to drive to Twin Falls on the old highway because the freeway is closed from snow storms and it adding another 1.5 hours to our trip.
- Waking up Christmas morning to my first (full-force) monthly friend (i.e., period) since having Brody (luckily my sis-in-law was prepared for such an occasion).
- Cabin having major plumbing issues.
- Brody's uncooperative sleep patterns. (Typically, I'm not into kitchy kid wear with little sayings and all, but Brody's Christmas pj outfit was too fitting to not get:
All Mom Wants for Christmas is a Silent Night!)
- Slicing my thumb on a can lid while making dinner after getting home from tubing and having to go back into McCall to the ER to get stitches. 7 stitches. Broke a 31-year streak of never having to go to the ER.

Peace out to 2008 and
Ah Ya to 2009!